Jeet Kune Do (JKD) Concepts
Jeet Kune Do (JKD) Concepts (famous art of Bruce Lee)
In this style, we focus on Bruce Lee’s concepts, his techniques, methods for fighting and approach to training. The advantage to using this style as opposed to other systems of martial arts is its totally adaptable to different student types and different situations.
These training methods are used to help students prepare for any situation and since violent attacks do not always happen in desirable conditions, such as outside, parties, parking lots, etc., it is a very effective and practical art for everyone.
The training is broken up into three areas.
Area One – Kickboxing is learned in this phase of training. The repetition and drills create a good foundation in which to build other skill sets. This class develops the basic skills necessary for a person to survive on the streets (How to properly kick and punch and also how to defend kicks, punches and common grabs.).
Area Two – In the second phase of training, standing grappling and ground control / attacks are learned. Once students have learned how to control a fight in striking range, it becomes necessary for them to become skilled and know what to do if the situation progresses to a closer distance. The students are also introduced to supervised sparring if desired. Students are encouraged to try to bridge the distance from kicking / punching and enter into standing grappling or go all the way to the ground. When they leave this phase, they will understand how and when to close the distance, takedown, and submit their opponent while on the ground.
Area Three – The final area of training concentrates on trapping range (the brief section that occurs between kicking and punching range and standing grappling). This is perhaps the most difficult phase to learn. Timing and coordination are finely tuned in this section. Sparring tremendously helps in this process and makes the student incorporate all four areas (kicking, punching, trapping, and grappling).